Ritual - an International Juried Exhibition of Book Arts
February 28 - May 14, 2025
Presented by 23 Sandy and Baylor University Libraries
Baylor University
Waco, TX

Rituals allow us to connect with the world around us. They are ancient and contemporary, personal and collective, secular and sacred. Encompassing the physical, emotional, psychological, spiritual, and even political, rituals range from the hallowed to the mundane. This exhibition features work that considers how we engage with rituals in our lives—how they shape our identities, guide our behaviors, and transform our perceptions. Jurors are Sha Towers, Librarian and Associate Dean for Research & Engagement at the Baylor University Libraries, and Erin Mickelson, owner and director of 23 Sandy.  Kunstadt’s Sacred Poem XXXV and LXXVIII are included.

What We Hold: Stories + Objects

January 17 – March 9, 2025
CREATE Council on the Arts
398 Main Street
Catskill, NY

An Exhibition In Celebration of Women’s History Month showcases over sixty artists.
Kunstadt’s  grouping PRESSING ON: No. 1, No. 5, No. 4, is included.

Movement: Hudson Valley Artists 2025
February 8 - April 6, 2025
Chandler and North Galleries
The Samuel Dorsky Museum of Art
SUNY New Paltz
New Paltz, NY

What makes someone leave family, friends, and a familiar way of life behind? What would it take for you to say goodbye to the people you love and embark on a journey to a place you have never seen, many miles from your home? The decision to leave can be both the most frightening and the bravest step of a lifetime. Often such moves are seen as taking steps to improve one’s circumstances. Yet, for many people, the decision to relocate is often made because one’s survival depends on it. In those instances, our bodies carry us forward—our small steps, the breath rising and falling in our chests, build into a journey of significance. These physical movements can ultimately reverberate over generations, altering the fabric of societies, creating new communities, and melding cultures. Guest-curated by the artist ransome, the 2025 iteration of the Dorsky Museum’s annual Hudson Valley Artists exhibition explores the theme of “Movement” from multiple perspectives including migration, immigration, place, political displacement, social change, isolation, and physical motion itself. Kunstadt’s Migration and Migration II are featured.

So you think you’re too old...
February 1 - May 3, 2025
Hudson Valley MOCA
1701 Main Street
Peekskill, NY

For its 5th Annual Juried Exhibition, HVMOCA features works by artists 62 and older and placed within the context of art history.
There is a story, not sufficiently touted, of artists finding their best creative energy as they enter their senior years. Arguably, Louise Bourgeois created her best works, her spiders and cells, well into her 80’s, after leaving behind the totemic works that so mimicked her male counterparts.   Is it the freedom offered by a lifetime of observation and integration of the interior psyche with outer data?  Is it the freedom that age offers to be introspective, to not bow to external critique and judgement.
A circular installation from Kunstadt’s PRESSING ON Series will be featured.

Beyond the Ken
Pell Lucy Artists
January 3 - July 3, 2025 

Art is an act of reaching into the unknown, both in the creation and in the omprehension. “Beyond the Ken” is a good reminder that ineffable forces are driving the artist’s hand. Unidentified forces are also driving the pulse of the world at large, and
the global conditions of unpredictability are increasing exponentially. In the words of a wise artist friend, “Forget all you know and try to go to a place where you have never been…ramble, gamble, stagger, fall, push, pull, and forget finish.”
In this moment of uncertainty—marked by profound changes in society, environment, and human connection—the abstract language of art offers a space to grapple with ambiguity. Through form, color, texture, and gesture, visual art resists easy
interpretation. It encourages us to dwell in the unspoken, the unseen, and the unresolvable.
How does anyone prepare for the unknown, for what we cannot yet conceive? A good place to start is to put down what you are sure you know, to hold those notions with a very light touch. Another way is to find and make community with like-minded people.
As the Pell Lucy artist collective enters its fifth year, the value of having a community of artists continues to unfold. While every Pell Lucy artist is bushwhacking their singular path through the unexpected terrain that is art making, companionship is at hand. With so much of the world in disarray, the presence of trusted co-travelers is a blessed mitigation. Deborah Barlow, Curator

Small Works: Narratives for the Future
November 22 - January 5, 2024
Woodstock Artists Association & Museum
Woodstock, NY

Heavenly IV is included in this exhibition which explores the concept of memory and how artists recall personal and generational memories in their art. Memories and stories passed down from our ancestors, as well as our own experiences, hold great value. Through various media, this show seeks to explore how artists recreate narratives of their past for future generations.  Juror Brigitta Varadi, Residency Director, ChaNorth Artist Residency, chose 25 works. 

Slant Dazzle
Pell Lucy Artists
October 31 - December 13, 2024
Grimshaw-Gudewicz Art Gallery
Bristol Community College
Fall River, MA 

Pell Lucy came into existence at a particular moment in time—right as the pandemic began, when galleries were shuttering and exhibition venues closing. Initially intended as a way for like-minded artists to share their work in spite of these shutdowns, Pell Lucy evolved into a collective with a committed art mak - ing ethos; form possesses an intelligence of its own―an intelligence far deeper and more complex than conscious, discursive thought. That idea informs so much of how the artists in Pell Lucy approach their work. They have honed working methods to cultivate a collaborative relationship with form―learning from materials, trusting the process, being open to the serendipitous, and staying unwaveringly focused. These approaches bring an artist closer to what is sensed but not yet manifested. Addressing the immensity of that process, Susan Sontag encouraged art viewers to just experience “the luminousness of the thing in itself.” When form is allowed to speak on its own terms, art making and art viewing expand past the narrow bandwidths of human language and rational ideation. The implications of this are deep and wide because acknowledging the intelligence of form informs our place in nature, on the earth, and in the cosmos. We are embedded in everything, and everything is embedded in us.
This way of perceiving the world found synergy with Emily Dickinson’s 19th century iconic poem, “Tell all the truth but tell it slant.” Dickinson’s poem celebrates the multifaceted nature of how truth is perceived and expressed. There is no one answer to the quest for truth, and when we do “tell all the truth” it is still personal, particular and unique. Dickinson goes on to refer to the nonlinear notion of circularity and the frequent need to take a roundabout, elliptical route (“Success in Circuit lies”). The poem’s penultimate line asserts that “The Truth must dazzle gradually.” High flash pyrotechnics and drama are not the way in to those authentic moments of breathtaking clarity. That comes in increments, by carefully and determinedly exploring the folds and layers that a work of art possesses.
Comingling Dickinson’s exquisite poem with the visual language of 33 artists is a delicate undertaking. It requires a sensitive eye and a finely tuned sensibility, and Grimshaw-Gudewicz Gallery has embraced this challenge with enthusiasm and a steady competence.
Deborah Barlow, artist, Pell Lucy Artists Collective founder

Water: The Source of Life
October  25 - November 17, 2024
Woodstock Artists Association & Museum
Woodstock, NY

This group presentation illuminates the historical, ecological, and spiritual significance of water in the Hudson Valley. The works encourage viewers to reflect on our collective responsibility to preserve and protect our waterways, which have long been a source of inspiration, sustenance, and recreation for our communities. Water: Source of Life serves as both a celebration and a call to action. As we confront the environmental challenges facing our region, this exhibition reminds us of the essential connection we share with the Hudson Valley’s waters. Works honor the beauty and resilience of our rivers while also recognizing them as vital arteries of life The exhibition was juried by Daniel Aycock and Kathleen Vance, Directors of Front Room Gallery in Hudson, NY. Kunstadt’s Glacial Melt, utilizing antique maps has been included.

The Art of the Book & Paper
August 20, 2024 - November 30, 2024
Rochester Public Library
Anthony Mascioli Gallery
Rochester, NY

Kunstadt's Wanderlust IV, Enroute and Migration are included in Rochester Public Library's 2024 International Art of the Book & Paper Exhibition. Books continue to ensnare the imagination, both for their form and content. Artists manipulate those two components to create breathtaking, mind-bending works of art which tease and cajole people to consider the intricacies of paper, ink, words and meaning. Migration has been awarded Honorable Mention Altered Books

The Librarian
July 13 - August 11, 2024
Lockwood Gallery
Kingston, NY

THE LIFE and WORK of a SPECIAL COLLECTIONS LIBRARY CURATOR - A narrative and installation created in celebration of Upstate Art Weekend. 
“ In 2009, during a five month sojourn in Rome, I read "The Name of The Rose," Umberto Eco's great novel of libraries, interpretations, and the (ever unfinished) pursuit of truth. The design of the library in Eco's unnamed monastery has stayed in my memory as a possible layout for contemporary exhibits of artists' books. For the most part, though, my experience of bookish exhibits is one of curators accepting the limitations of white cube-ish gallery spaces. It's exhilarating, then, to encounter Lockwood Gallery, near Kingston, taking advantage of its multipurpose building to offer visitors an installation experience as spatially and intellectually labyrinthine as its title suggests.
"The Librarian: The Life and Work of a Special Collections Library Curator," is a selection of 17 artists (and more than 100 total artworks) positioned in a variety of gallery and office settings. Alan Goolman's curatorial project encompasses all of Lockwood's display areas, plus the ordinarily private sites of the Gallery's work and storage spaces. A vestige of stage sets attracts visitors to one space and another--with occasional blind alleys--in traversing the installation...................
Goolman hasn't written a curatorial statement per se, but wall didactics apply terms of library classification systems to the work. Poetry is present in a donated library card catalog case on view. “ Buzz Spector

Artists: Andrea Burgay, Stanford Kay, Sydney Cash, Marieken Cochius, Anthony Finta, Willie Gary, Leslie Giuliani, Carole Kunstadt, Helena Palazzi, Vincent Pidone, Mimi Young, Claudia Renfro, David Schaengold, Greg Slick.

WAAM Regional: The Spirit of Woodstock
Woodstock Artists Association & Museum
August 16 - October 6 , 2024
Woodstock, NY

WAAM Regional: Spirit of Woodstock is a survey of contemporary work by regional artists that explores the continuing legacy of the spiritual, cultural, political and social changes of the 1960s. Kunstadt’s PRESSING ON, No. 66, No. 64, No. 4 are included.

‘To Be’ - 10th Vilnius International Artist’s Book Triennial
January 9 - February  16, 2025
Evanston Art Center
Evanston, IL

The 10th International Artist’s Book Triennial Vilnius 2024 is a unique event in promoting artists working with artists’ books from all over the world, highlighting the diversity of ideas, structures, forms and bindings. The international jury, composed of Prof. Timothy Frerichs, USA, Dr. Rasa Janulevičiūtė, Lithuania, Hanne Matthiesen, Denmark, Ass. Prof. em PhD Vilborg Stubseid Hovet, Norway, Roberta Vaigeltaitė-V., Lithuania and Prof. Kestutis Vasiliunas, Lithuania, selected 79 artists for the 10th International Artist’s Book Triennial Vilnius 2024. Kunstadt’s folio Valle de la Meuse: an environmental paradigm is included.
Traveling 2024 - 2025:
The Lithuanian National Museum of Art, Vilnius, Lithuania
Gallery SG - Scuola Internazionale di Grafica, Venice, Italy
The Museum of Applied Arts and Design, Vilnius, Lithuania.
Vilnius Academy of Arts, Vilnius, Lithuania
IAKH: Globus Galerie + Edition Lebensretter, Leipzig, Germany
The Plunge Municipal Clock Tower Library, Lithuania.
Kunst-und Museumsbibliothek, Köln, Germany
Evanston Art Center, Evanston, IL, US
Reed Library of the State University of New York at Fredonia, US
The Morgan Conservatory, Cleveland, US
Biblioteca del Hospital Real, Granada, Spain

Olive Free Library
July 20 - September 7, 2024
West Shokan, NY

The Olive Free Library Association is pleased to present the exhibition Monochromatic, Juried by artist, curator, Melinda
Stickney-Gibson.  A Trio II  has been selected

Brand 52: Works on Paper Exhibition
June 15 - August 9, 2024
Brand Library & Art Center
Glendale, CA

 Juror art critic, curator and author Shana Nys Dambrot, has selected Kunstadt’s Wanderlust II. The annual juried exhibition includes works that demonstrate skill, innovation, finesse, beauty, power and message. Dambrot is the Arts Editor for L.A. Weekly, and a contributor to Flaunt, Artillery, and other culture publications.

Books Undone 2 - The Art of Altered Books
May 30 - July 21, 2024
The Gallery at Penn College
Williamsport, PA

The Gallery at Penn College is pleased the host Books Undone 2: the art of altered books. The first exhibition was held in 2018.  This diverse exhibition of book forms will stretch the idea of the altered book. With books as a medium, artists may deconstruct, paint, stitch, photograph, bend, roll, collage, knit, digitally rework, gouge, or use other methods to create their works. Visitors can explore the many ways artists reimagine the book for our technological age. Scott McCarney, Juror, has selected Kunstadt’s PRESSING ON: Homage to Hannah More, No. 1, No. 4, No. 5.

Magnitude SEVEN
May 30 - June 28, 2024
Manifest Gallery
Cincinnati, OH

The diminutive scale of works under seven inches results in a gallery full of diverse, compelling, and exquisite little gems. Kunstadt’s intriguing Itinerant, Cat’s Cradle and Migration II are included.

The American Woman: Feminist Futures
May 11 - June 15, 2024
Hera Gallery
Wakefield, RI

The idea of “The American Woman” is a notion that has been constantly shifting, and evolving over time. Contemporary challenges to women’s lack of agency has led to a myriad of feminist and anti-feminist initiatives. 19th century discussions are revived in the 21st century context where norms and laws of gender roles are being deconstructed, redefined, and reevaluated. The cultural and biological ideas of womanhood, along with societal advances of women, continue to be challenged and conjure up new ideas of who the American Woman is and what she can be. As one of the oldest feminist art cooperatives in the United States, Hera Gallery is celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2024. The American Woman was one of the first exhibitions on view at Hera Gallery in 1974. Juror Amy Smith-Stewart, Chief Curator of the Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum has selected Kunstadt’s PRESSING ON: Homage to Hannah More - a circular installation of antique sad irons combined with repurposed fur and fragments of pages by Hannah More.

2nd Edition
March 23 - April 21, 2024
Art Bites Gallery
High Falls, NY

Art Bites Gallery presents 2nd Edition, guest curated by Carole Kunstadt - five unique transmutations- transforming and exploring the malleability of the book form, suggesting new terrain and creating unexpected relevance and meaning. Both the content and the context of the works reshape our relationship with the book and the stories they tell in an intriguingly familiar yet previously unimagined world. Participating Artists -  Ania Gilmore, Carole Kunstadt, Kevin Kunstadt, Kerith Lisi and Chris Perry.

Hello Thank You Come In: 50th Anniversary Members Exhibition
January 18 - May 1, 2024
Center for Book Arts
New York, NY 10001

Center for Book Arts celebrates 50 years of uplifting and furthering the book arts & book art with Hello Thank You Come In: 50th Anniversary Members Exhibition, an exhibition of members’ works. This ambitious exhibition features artists’ books or publications by current CBA members which make use of cloth, found objects, and archival materials in addition to traditional bookbinding materials and which challenge—and honor—the form of the book, celebrating the talents of our current community of artist members on the occasion of Center for Book Arts’ 50th birthday. Enroute from Kunstadt's Wanderlust Series, utilizing antique maps, is on display.

By A Thread
January 19 – February 25, 2024
Woodstock Artists Association & Museum
Woodstock, NY

By A Thread is WAAM’s second annual medium-based exhibition, this year focusing on textiles and fiber art. Juror Fritz Horstman, Artist, Curator and Education Director, Josef & Anni Albers Foundation, selected techniques that include embroidery, braiding, weaving, knitting, rug hooking, quilting, felting, plaiting, macrame, lace making, flocking, pleating, basket making, folding, appliqué, crochet and fiber-based mixed media. Kunstadt's woven and sewn 19th C. music manuscripts, Interlude No. 35 has been selected.

PRESSING ON: Homage to Hannah More
Artist’s Books by Carole Kunstadt
October 23 - January 19, 2024
Vassar College Art Library, Vassar College
Poughkeepsie, NY

“...they transport us from the ordinary flow of our relationship to our objects to an extraordinary
space where these book-irons, as things, reveal worlds, historic and present, in a happening of truth
in which our ordinary objectification of these things is ast into relief. We see irons and books anew
as things in a universe of fellow things with which we share a world. These new beings seem to have
their own agency, to call to us, to assemble themselves, to take on personalities, to have something to
tell us about themselves and the histories they bring to us. In the illuminating circle of the truth
of the work of art, they have lept from being objects to being things, which helps us to recognize
what is assumed, as well as what is lost, in the act of using equipment. What is at risk, they seem
to tell us, in turning things to our use, is our own objectification and transparency.
Hannah More’s own great historical contribution to our world happens to be very much about the
question of the complete objectification of human beings when they are robbed of their status as free
beings and made invisible as human tools....................they remind us that the struggle between freedom
and servitude, presence and invisibility, whether individual or collective, requires our continued
attention and application."   Thomas Hill, Art Librarian, Vassar College Art Library

October 1 - November 31, 2023
Book Art Museum
Fundacja Correspondance Des Arts
Łódź, Poland

February 28 - March 28, 2024
Library of the University of Łódź
Łódź, Poland

October 18 - November 16, 2024
Muzeum Józefa Czechowicza
Lublin, Poland

The FREEDOM Project is a response to the series of crises and ongoing global conflicts humanity is facing today. Students, educators and professional artists were invited to speak up on issues related to human rights, violence, war, aggression, social and racial injustice. Curated by Ania Gilmore and Małgorzata Oakes in tandem with 30th Anniversary of the Polish Book Art Museum in Łódź, Poland. Invited artist, Carole Kunstadt is participating with her altered book Peace Offering, which at the close of the exhibition joins the Permanent Collection of the Book Art Museum. 

Mapping The Abstract
September 16 - October 28, 2023
Pinkwater Gallery
Kingston, NY

Co-Directors Anne Sanger and Helena Palazzi curated this show with an eye towards selecting a cohesive set of work that represents a wide range of personal interpretations of  ‘abstract art’.  Pinkwater Gallery is a place where abstract art takes center stage, offering the unique perspectives of women artists. Work from Kunstadt’s Markings Series is featured.

The Art of the Book & Paper
September 18, 2023 - January 6, 2024
Rochester Public Library
Anthony Mascioli Gallery
Rochester, NY

Kunstadt's Wanderlust III and Wanderlust V are 2nd Place Award/Paper winners in Rochester Public Library's 2023 International Art of the Book & Paper Exhibition. Refugee II, PRESING ON No. 91, 106,  and 108 are also included. Books continue to ensnare the imagination, both for their form and content. Artists manipulate those two components to create breathtaking, mind-bending works of art which tease and cajole people to consider the intricacies of paper, ink, words and meaning.

Bound and Unbound VII: Altered Book Exhibition
August 21, 2023 - January 3, 2024
University Libraries at the University of South Dakota
Vermillion, SD

“Altered book art”, as ‘Bound and Unbound VII’s’  Juror Brian Dettmer eloquently reflects upon, “is a testament to the power of books and the ideas that they hold. 
The conventional conversation would lead one to believe that the world of ideas is all digital and that books are outdated; yet the fact that books are still the focus of such sharp attacks goes to prove that they are the most powerful and impactful tool we have to share stories and communicate complex ideas to others. This is why I feel that the field of book art is more vital and relevant than ever. An artists’ book or altered book can take a familiar form and question and expand its direction without erasing its power. It enters the realm of art yet retains the tangibility and intimacy that only a book provides.”
Kunstadt’s Wanderlust IV, Migration and Refugees are featured.  

Volume UP: Artists Responding to Music and Sound
June 20 - July 15, 2023
The Painting Center
547 West 27th Street, Suite 500
New York, NY 

Contemporary artists, in all media, who are impacted by or intrigued by audio and sound within the studio or within the larger context of their work. Curated by Monic King. How do artists define their relationship to sound or audio in the studio and does this potentially make the interpretation of their works unwittingly require a multitude of senses as well? This is not a new area of inquiry by any means. Numerous artists, as well as this curator, continue to respond strongly to the groundbreaking 1961 discourse by John Cage, so aptly named Silence. A range of vibrant artists have explored the intersections of sound, music, and silence as it interrupts our often-dominant visual tendencies in contemporary art.
Kunstadt’s Interlude No. 23 is featured accompanied by an audio of a Margaret Innerhoffer composition, re-compose, de-compose, in response to the Interlude Series.


April 15 - May 14, 2023
Lockwood Gallery
Kingston, NY

"Bit by bit, putting it together. Piece by piece, how to make a work of art".....Steven Sondheim
A group show dedicated to the art of collage, curated by Alan Goolman. 
Work from Kunstadt's Heavenly Series are featured.

cARTography: alternate routes
March 18 - May 6, 2023
Olive Free Library
West Shokan, NY

The Olive Free Library Association is very pleased to present the exhibition cARTography: alternate routes showcasing the works of  ten artists who have incorporated maps in their art, curated by Map Dealer Jan Sosnowitz. Kunstadt’s Wanderlust Series manipulates and recombines maps from 19th C. geography books.


March 31 – April 28, 2023
Westbeth Gallery
New York, NY 

Westbeth Gallery will host Luminous Elsewheres, an exhibit featuring artists who actively explore visual domains that are evocative, mysterious and unexpected. Eschewing the confines of logic and linearity, Luminous Elsewheres artists are receptors through whom “the echoes and reflections of an irrational elsewhere flow freely and take form.” (Daniela Ferretti)

Through The Eye of the Needle
January 21 - April 22, 2023
Hudson Valley MOCA
Peekskill, NY

Cultural Diversity Embedded In The Warp & Woof of the Artists’ Works
Sewing, weaving, braiding, knotting… In this exhibition the enormity and disparateness of culture is integrated into the warp and woof of the artists diverse creations.


Brickbottom Gallery
Fall 2022
Somerville, MA

Wellfleet Historical Society & Museum (virtual)
June 30 – October, 2021
Wellfleet, MA

FARM Project Space + WHEN Studio
August 7 – 17, 2021
Wellfleet, MA

The Old Stone House, Artpoetica Project Space & Gowanus Dredgers Boathouse
October 16 - January 26, 2020
Brooklyn, NY

SALLY, a collaborative project, brings together artists, writers, and performers intrigued by how the quest for intimacy can alter the trajectory of a woman’s life. Some explore the narratives of women, like Sally Hemings, whose destinies are inextricably interwoven with those they knew, and whose lives have often been erased or forgotten. Others infuse their work and methodologies with an urgency that underscores their compulsion to map their own and others’ undaunted passion and drive. At this critical juncture, with women’s autonomy once again under attack, another meaning of SALLY seems particularly relevant: a sudden charge out of a besieged place. SALLY explores how artists confront myriad issues of agency, and use community and collaboration to undercut the status quo, and construct lives of integrity and purpose.
Curators - JoAnne McFarland, founder and Artistic Director of Artpoetica Project Space and Sasha Chavchavadze, founder of Proteus Gowanus. 

Kingston Annual 2021
Arts Society of Kingston
September 4 - 26, 2021
Kingston, NY

Kunstadt's PRESSING ON: Homage to Hannah More (circular installation) was chosen by Ransome for a Juror’s Award. Jurors Ransome, Sevan Melikyan and Anna Conlan selected 30 artists to exhibit.


Olive Free Library
September 26 - November 7, 2020
West Shokan, NY

IF ONLY, an exhibition of works by five regional artists who incorporate feminist issues in their artworks, curated by Nathalie Andrews. Participating Artists: Natali Bravo-Barbee, Jacinta Bunnell, Carole Kunstadt, Yvette Lewis, and Katharine Umsted.
Although 2020 is the centennial of the women's right to vote in the USA, the struggle for women's rights continues. There are still many issues facing most women in this country (and around the world) today that prevent true gender equality. Rather than just hitting the streets with placards, the artists choose to present their thoughts in the form of art that everyone can view and appreciate.  


Lockwood Gallery
March 14 - April 11, 2020
Kingston, NY

Kunstadt's PRESSING ON Series joins intriguingly eclectic works in Lockwood's SMOKESHOW Exhibition. 

The Art of the Book

Rochester Public Library
December 4, 2019 - January 31, 2020
Rochester, NY

Kunstadt's Sacred Poem LXIII, Sacred Poem LXVIII and Sacred Poem LXXI are featured in Rochester Public Library's 2019 International Art of the Book Exhibition. Books continue to ensnare the imagination, both for their form and content. Artists manipulate those two components to create breathtaking, mind-bending works of art which tease and cajole people to consider the intricacies of paper, ink, words and meaning. 

In Pursuit of Color

Lockwood Gallery
November 9, 2019 - January 4, 2020
Kingston, NY

A vibrant group exhibition of twenty four of the Mid-Hudson regions extaordinary visual artists, curated by Alan Goolman. A selection of drawings from Kunstadt's Markings Series is beautifully installed in Lockwood Gallery.

Material World

Woodstock Artists Association & Museum
October 26 - November 24, 2019
Woodstock, NY

The materials used to make art have evolved throughout history. Over the course of the last century, the traditional forms of painting, printmaking, and sculpture have gone through transformation after transformation and new media have proliferated. This exhibition examines how art practice and artists’ points of view have been altered in relation to these material metamorphoses. Curated by Julie Torres, co-director of LABspace, Kunstadt's sculpture Sacred Poem LXVI  has been selected. 

Speechless - The Art of Communication

Brush & Reed Fine Art Calligraphy Studio
October 11 - November 9, 2019
Kingston, NY

Silence is a gate through which all communication must pass. Experiences of grief, horror, and isolation can render one speechless; but so can profound experiences of beauty, love, and connection. That which is speechless longs also to be shared, impossibly, imperfectly—to speak to some quiet place within each of us. To be speechless, is sometimes simply to pause. And to listen. Works here each have a deep listening within them, an impossible kind of speech. They ask that we rethink not just the nature of language, but the tools and vessels of communication themselves. Speechless is a celebration of the freedom and courage of transformation. Language has always been a sacred, often martial art. It wraps its arms around an unsayable kind of stillness — where mark and motion are one.

In God We Trust: Reflections on Religion in America

Hera Gallery
October 12 - November 16, 2019
Wakefield, RI

The exhibition is an exploration of both the diversity and ubiquity of faith in America and the complex ways in which religion intersects with American culture. Juror, Curator Nzeka Pfeifer has selected Kunstadt's Sacred Poem LXXIX. In collaboration with the 2019 Honors Colloquium at the University of Rhode Island, In God We Trust exhibits artwork in all media that reflects the diversity of all religions, its adherents and its effects on American culture. Hera Gallery founded in 1974 is the 5th oldest women founded gallery space in the US.
Curator's talk

Freed Formats: the book reconsidered

Five Points Gallery
September 19 - October 19, 2019
Torrington, CT

This is a traveling exhibition (March - October 2019) of book art curated by Chris Perry and Alice Walsh, featuring 135 works from 53 artists representing 17 US states and 2 countries. Ones response to what a book means varies, but book art engages anyone who has ever read, written or for that matter, just held a book in their hands. Kunstadt's Sacred Poem LXX and Sacred Poem CII as well as PRESSING ON No. 5 and PRESSING ON No. 55 are showcased.
A catalogue and an audio tour are available.
Review in the New Haven Independant.

Ridgefield Guild of Artists & Mark Twain 
Library, Ridgefield & Redding, CT - March 30 - April 28, 2019
Putnam Arts Council & Mahopac Public Library, Mahopac, NY - May 12 - June 9, 2019
Creative Arts Workshop, New Haven, CT - June 15 - July 28, 2019

10th Anniversary Edition of A Book About Death: The Last Waltz

September 14 - November 2, 2019
Islip Art Museum
East Islip, NY

A Book About Death (ABAD) is an on-going, unbound, unpaginated book produced by artists worldwide. It was inspired by American artist Ray Johnson (1927–1995) and initiated by Matthew Rose as an international collective art project in 2009. Taking the name A Book About Death from Ray Johnson, Rose paid homage to the founder of mail art and at the same time offered international artists the opportunity to explore the theme of death through postcard sized works in editions of 500 - thus creating a “book.” Visitors to the exhibition are encouraged to collect the free artwork and create their own unbound book about death. ABAD 2019 Curator LuAnn T. Palazzo. Kunstadt is represented by her photopostcard Margaret and Angelino. Complete sets of ABAD, 10th Anniversary Edition will be included in the Permanent Collections of - Islip Art Museum, East Islip, NY; MoMA, NY, NY;The Waskomium, Burlington, VT; Archives of American Art at the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.; Alternative Traditions in Contemporary Arts Archive, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA; Musee de la Poste, Paris, France; Book Art Museum, Lodz, Poland, ARTPOOL, Budapest, Hungary; Museum fur Kommunikation, Berlin, Germany; Museum Schloss Moyland, Bedburg-Hau, Germany; Museum fur Kommunikation, Bern, Switzerland.

Brand 47 - Annual National Juried Exhibition of Works on Paper

Brand Library and Art Center
September 7 - October 25, 2019
Glendale, CA

Alma Ruiz, independent curator, Senior Fellow at Sotheby’s Institute of Art/Claremont Graduate University and former senior curator at LAMoCA has selected Kunstadt's Sacred Poem LVIX. The exhibition includes a diverse array of three-dimensional works as well as an expanding range of approaches to the two-dimensional paper surface.

On A Different Page

Mikhail Zakin Gallery 
at the Art School at Old Church
September 3 - October 18, 2019
Demarest, NJ

Curated by Eileen Ferrara, "Books are an intrinsic part of our culture....As windows into the past, means of communication, treasured object, place for self expression, or favorite storybook, books inspire in myriad ways. Each artist in On A Different Page, pursues their own particular vision in their work using the book as an art form. Their ability to inspire in so many ways is a testament to the unique and irreplaceable experience of books." Featuring eight artists including Carole Kunstadt. 

Previous iteration:
New Jersey City University, Visual Arts Gallery, Jersey City, NJ, November 9 - December 14, 2017

An Artistic Legacy: 1+ 1+ 1

Phoebe and Belmont Towbin Wing
Woodstock Artists Association & Museum
August 10 - December 29, 2019
Woodstock, NY

An Artistic Legacy: 1+1+1 curated by Janice LaMotta presents the work of an historic Woodstock artist, the work of their descendant and the work of a contemporary artist selected by the descendant. An Artistic Legacy: 1+1+1 celebrates the work of eight artists/artist couples who have lived and worked in the Woodstock region each represented by a piece selected from either a private collection or a work represented in the Permanent Collection of the WAAM. The artists featured are Manuel Bromberg/Jane Dow Bromberg; Robert Angeloch/Nancy Summers; Austin Mecklem/Marianne Appel; Ernest Frazier; Wendell Jones/Jane Jones; Eleanore Lockspeiser, Milton Avery/Sally Avery and Bruce Currie/Ethel Magafan. Kunstadt's Markings No. 67 is included in continuum with works by Ernest and Xhosa Frazier. An Artistic Legacy: 1+1+1 is presented in conjunction with Woodstock Collects, a town-wide collaboration among Woodstock’s five arts organizations, in which each organization conceptualized their interpretation of an exhibition that brings to light historic Woodstock artworks from private and institutional collections. 

FOCUS: Illumination

Woodstock Artists Association & Museum
August 10- September 1, 2019
Woodstock, NY

Illumination is open to many interpretations - questions of light, sound, spirit, belonging and representation are asked and explored in this show. Artist, Director O+ Festival, Juror Joe Concra has selected Kunstadt's Sacred Poem LXXXIX, Sacred Poem LXXVIII and Sacred Poem XXIII, as one of ten participating artists.

Natural Inclinations: Carole Kunstadt and Marieken Cochius

ARTBAR Gallery
July 6 - 27, 2019
Kingston, NY

A two person exhibition featuring over fifty works on paper and sculpture by Marieken Cochius and Carole Kunstadt.

Unbound Vol. IX

ArtisTree Gallery
July 26 - August 24, 2019
South Pomfret, VT

UNBOUND VOL. IX explores the idea of "the book" and all the ways artists use that format as a stepping off point or as material to explore new ideas. Opening in conjunction with the kick off of Bookstock! Kunstadt's PRESSING ON No. 83, No. 91 and No. 106 are featured. 

Magnitude SEVEN

Manifest Creative Research Gallery
May 31 - June 28, 2019
Cincinnati, OH

Having a couple of galleries full of hand-sized works is a joyful experience of small things well made, a menagerie of creativity, and a poignant reminder that bigger is not always better. This fifteenth annual exhibit of works no larger than seven inches in any dimension showcases thirty-three works by 23 artists from across the U.S. and Canada for presentation in the gallery. PRESSING ON: Homage to Hannah More, No. 87 has been selected. 


Woodstock Artiosts Association & Museum
May 11 - June 9, 2019
Woodstock, NY

Juror, Kimberly Camp, Former President of the Barnes Foundation brings a distinctive point of view to the selection of the artists. There are pieces that are innovative in both form and content and also works that have been created within the boundaries of traditional genres but nevertheless break new ground. Kunstadt's sculpture Sacred Poem XCIII is included. 

PAPER 2019

Silvermine Arts Center
April 3 - May 16, 2019
New Canaan, CT

The aim of the PAPER 2019 exhibition is to highlight the vitality, diversity, sense of experimentation and skillful execution and the many ways in which contemporary artists approach this material. Curator, Jennifer Farrell, Associate Curator Drawings and Prints, Metropolitan Museum of Art, NYC has selected Kunstadt's PRESSING ON No. 52.

Interfaith Biennial

Dominican University
September 2018 - August 2020
River Forest, IL

The Interfaith Biennial Exhibition is a juried exhibition that represents works of art from multiple disciplines that comment on the theme of Love and Truth: an Expression of Interfaith Diversity (pdf). The first exhibit opened in 2012 and was dedicated to representing a welcoming environment on campus for a diverse array of faith and value-based beliefs in many aspects, including that of the visual arts. The current exhibit is on display in the Lewis Link until August 2020. A trio of Sacred Poems are showcased in the Biennial along with ten other artists' works selected by Curator Jessica Cochran, University of Chicago and faculty, School of the Art Institute of Chicago.

Drawings/Works on PAPER, Part Two

Buster Levi Gallery
March 1 - 31, 2019
Cold Spring, NY

Seven Buster Levi Artist Members each invite an artist with whom to exhibit works on paper. Invited and inspired by Ada Pilar Cruz, Carole P. Kunstadt will exhibit her Sacred Poems

Still Still Moving

The Howland Cultural Center
March 2 - 31, 2019
Beacon, NY

In celebration of Women's History Month and in anticipation of the 100th Anniversary of Women's Right to Vote in 2020, this exhibition embraces the struggle towards diversity and celebrates a more inclusive society. Kunstadt's OVUM VII/Breakthrough and OVUM  VIII /Breakthrough are included with works by over 30 women artists. Curated by Eleni Smolen, Theo Ganz Studio, Beacon NY.

WORDS: Text in Art

January 25 - February 24, 2019
Woodstock, NY

Curated by Jicky Schnee. Artists participating: Alice Schavoir, Anthony Haden-Guest, Peter Sutherland, Nin Brudermann, Carole Kunstadt, Doug Navarra, Joe Mama-Nitzberg, Robert Ohnigian and Jicky Schnee. An installation of Kunstadt's PRESSING ON Series is featured. 

Carole Kunstadt: PRESSING ON

Solo Gallery
Woodstock Artists Association & Museum
December 1 - 30, 2018
Woodstock, NY

Woodstock Artists Association & Museum presents Carole Kunstadt: PRESSING ON, a solo exhibition comprised of works on/of paper and sculpture. Exhibited are OVUM and PRESSING ON from her Heroine Series, which evolved with the awareness of the persistent and dedicated life's work and writings of Margaret Fuller in the 19th C. and Hannah More in the 18th C.  Examining each of these trailblazers, reveals not only the depth and density of deep seated issues, but also informs us of the progression within our culture, inspiring us to continue to raise one's  voice to inequality and injustice. 2018 Solo shows were selected by juror Kenise Barnes, Director of Kenise Barnes Fne Art. 

The Book As Art: Flight Edition

Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta Airport
October 2018 - October 2019
Atlanta, GA

The Book as Art: Flight Edition is drawn from the five versions of The Book as Art, an annual juried exhibition of artists’ books organized by the Decatur Arts Alliance. The airport show will introduce us not only to new interpretations of an ancient concept but also to questions and ideas on 21st century form and format. The artwork reflects the range of work being done in the medium of artists’ books and provides a thought provoking and stimulating visual and conceptual layover for passengers. Kunstadt's Sacred Poem LXXV and Sacred Poem LXVII are featured.
Online catalog.

The Art of the Book

Rochester Public Library
November 7, 2018 - January 9, 2019
Rochester, NY

Kunstadt's Sacred Poem XVIII, Sacred Poem XXXV and Sacred Poem XXIII are featured in Rochester Public Library's 2018 International Art of the Book Exhibition. Sacred Poem XXXV has been awarded Best of Show. Books continue to ensnare the imagination, both for their form and content. Artists manipulate those two components to create breathtaking, mind-bending works of art which tease and cajole people to consider the intricacies of paper, ink, words and meaning. 


Dr. Bernard Heller Museum
Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion
September 6, 2018 - June 28, 2019
New York, NY

TERRA inFIRMA, presents work that focuses on climate change and global warning through the lens of Jewish values and contemporary social activism. Laura Kruger, Museum Curator, explains, “According to our tradition, God created the earth and we are instructed to tend it and preserve it for future generations. It is our responsibility as the earth’s stewards to take action and effect positive change.” Kunstadt's woven vintage photo-postcard folio Valle de la Meuse: an environmental paradigm is featured. 

Fire In The Belly

Burnette Gallery
October 11 - November 25, 2018
Woodstock, NY

Carole Kunstadt and Laura Gurton curated an exhibition celebrating the female spirit. showcasing twenty six women artists from the Hudson Valley and greater New York: Undine Brod, Amy Cheng, Tricia Cline, Orly Cogan, Susan Spencer Crowe, Penny Dell, Kara Eletto, Carla Goldberg, Laura Gurton, Kay Kenny, Simone Kestelman, Sky Kim, Carole Kunstadt, Janice La Motta, Alise Loebelsohn, Portia Munson, Debra Priestly, Ann Provan, Arlene Rush, Linda Friedman Schmidt, Jicky Schnee, Judy Sigunick, Louise P. Sloane, Julia Santos Solomon, Terry Ann Tomlinson and Jayoung Yoon. 

Opulence: Not Everything That Glitters Is Gold

The Center For Book Arts
July 11 - September 22, 2018
New York, NY

Organized by Alexander Campos, Executive Director & Curator, The Center for Book Arts. the 2018 Artist Members Exhibition, featuring artist members as well as invited artists, focuses on artworks that look behind the velvet curtain, in particular at our current economic, social, political, ecological, and cultural issues/concerns. Oxymoron, contradiction, and irony are key to these playful works that have multiple lawyers of meaning and interpretations including a grouping from Kunstadt's PRESSING ON Series

Scripted: Carole P. Kunstadt

Union Arts Center
July 20 - September 30, 2018
Sparkill, NY

Union Arts Center presents Scripted: Carole P. Kunstadt, a solo exhibition featuring selections from Kunstadt's Sacred Poem and Markings Series are a vehicle for the exploration of life's vulnerabilities, an expression of gratitude and a platform for sanctity, contemplation and playfulness.

Cornucopia IX

Art Students League of Denver Gallery
Abecedarian Artists' Books
August 24 - September 28, 2018
Denver, CO

PRESSING ON: Homage to Hannah More, No. 6, No. 15, No. 40 are featured in Cornucopia IX selected by Juror Sha Towers, Art Liaison Librarian and Associate Director of the Central Libraries Baylor University, Waco, Texas and curated by Abecedarian Artists' Books. 

The Book As Art v.6: Pulp

Periodicals Gallery of the Decatur Library
August 10 - September 28, 2018
Decatur, GA

These book/objects interpret the concept of the book and invite the viewer to look beyond the printed page to where word has become form. Book As Art: Pulp is the sixth edition of this critically acclaimed artist book exhibition established by the Decatur Arts Alliance in 2013.  Kunstadt's Sacred Poem LXIII and Sacred Poem LXVIII are featured.
Online catalogue.


ArtsWestchester Gallery
May 8 - July 28, 2018
White Plains, NY

The Hudson River Valley has long been a source of inspiration to artists and a hub of creative activity. The ArtsWestchester Triennial showcases the vanguard of the region’s arts community, offering a snapshot of what’s now and what’s new in contemporary visual art. The Inaugural Triennial Exhibition features fifteen artists of the Hudson Valley, selected by curators Marc Straus, Marc Straus Gallery and Paola Morsiani, Brodsky Center at Rutgers University. Featured is an installation of Kunstadt's recent work PRESSING ON: Homage to Hannah More

Paper, Rock, Scissors

Five Points Gallery
March 1 - April 7, 2018
Torrington, CT

A grouping of works from PRESSING ON: Homage to Hannah More are featured in the eclectic group exhibition Paper, Rock, Scissors. Exhibiting artists - May Babcock, Andrew Buck, Walter Kendra, Carole Kunstadt, Leslie Landau, Joyce Miller, Ben Parker, Chris Perry, Rashmi Talpade. 

Books Undone: the art of altered books

The Gallery at Penn College, Madigan Library
January 11 - February 28, 2018
Williamsport, PA

The Gallery at Penn College is pleased to highlight the community of artists working in this important medium and to share the artists’ messages in Books Undone: the art of altered books - an exhibition of altered books, book objects, collages, sculptures, installations, and video. Juror Jason Thompson, founder and president of Rag & Bone Bindery has selected a trio of Sacred Poems.

Boundless: Altered Books in Contemporary Art

Hill-Stead Museum
June 16 - September 4, 2017
Book Arts Panel Discussion moderated by Rico Reyes, August 6, 3 - 4 pm.
Farmington, CT

In celebration of the Sunken Garden Poetry Festival's 25th Anniversary, the Hill-Stead Museum presents Boundless: Altered Book in Contemporary Art, three unique approaches to transforming and exploring the malleability of the form, creating new structures and experiences of the codex, guest curated by Carole Kunstadt. Works by three contemporary artists: Erin Walrath, Chris Perry and Carole P. Kunstadt, will be installed among the many rare first editions and early volumes in the Pope family’s personal library transforming them into a contemporary sculpture gallery featuring the texts re-imagined. The Museum, a National Historic Landmark, develops, preserves, documents, displays and interprets its exceptional Impressionist paintings, 1901 historic house, collections and 152-acre landscape for the benefit of present and future generations.
By tour only. 

Bound and Unbound IV

University Libraries, University of South Dakota
August 21, 2017 - January 3, 2018
Vermillion, SD

Juror, artist Eli Show, chose works which "are ruminations and ideations of what the book as an object has a chance to become once divorced from its original intent...The object is reborn/transmuted/challenged........Bound and Unbound IV is the sum of its parts, an exhibition of books undone and put back together." Kunstadt's Sacred Poem XCIII is featured.

The Book as Art v5.0: Illuminated

Periodicals Gallery of the Decatur Library
August 11 - September 29, 2017
Decatur, Georgia

The luminous sheen of copper, brass, gold leaf and enamel lights up the annual Book as Art: Illuminated. The Decatur Arts Alliance, DeKalb Library Foundation and Georgia Center for the Book presents the fifth edition of The Book as Art coinciding with the Decatur Book Festival. Jurors Anne Beidler, Daniel Essig, and John Risseeuw have selected Sacred Poem LXVI.

Unbound Vol. VII

ArtisTree Gallery
July 28 - August 26, 2017
South Pomfret, VT

Juror Bill Hanscom selected Sacred Poem LXIII, Sacred Poem LXVIII and Sacred Poem LXXI for this seventh annual show of work exploring "the book" as concept, object and format, in conjunction with the Bookstock Library Festival in Woodstock, VT.

Declaration of Sentiments: Reflections on the Centennial of Women's Right to Vote in New York State

Athens Cultural Center
June 3 - August 20, 2017
Athens, NY

The Athens Cultural Center celebrates the suffrage movement with this exhibition curated by Carrie Feder. The exhibit is a historical and a conceptual exploration of the women's right to vote as well as a literal declaration of sentiments by contemporary women artists as they reflect upon the struggle in the past, present, or in their own lives. "A Declaration of Sentiments" mixes art and artifacts and asks both the artist and the audience to look at history and art in a new and provocative way. Kunstadt's Sacred Poem XXXIII as well as assemblages Ovum I, Ovum II - Homage to Margaret Fuller are included. 

Woodstock Artists Association & Museum
May 6 - 28, 2017
Woodstock, NY

Juror, Bruce Weber, Curator of Paintings and Sculpture, Museum of the City of New York, has selected Kunstadt's sculpturel Sacred Poem XXX for this 9th Annual Woodstock Regional Exhibition.

Off The Walls

Greene County Council on the Arts
April 22 - May 27, 2017
Catskill, NY

Sculptor, guest curator, Willie Cole has selected Kunstadt's Interlude No. 9. Off The Walls will be dedicated to 2D and 3D artwork made of recycled/re-purposed materials, with the goal of bringing the environment to life in ways previously unimagined. 

Abstract Evocative

Woodstock Artists Association & Museum
April 1 - 30, 2017
Woodstock, NY

Abstract art seems to spring forth from one of two directions: from the soul or from nature, and either way it has its own evocative power. That’s what the title of this exhibition refers to: does the art take you somewhere? Is it evocative? Norm Magnusson, Artist and Independent Curator, has selected ten Hudson Valley artists for this exhibition featuring abstract works that move towards evocation of the physical world and have the power to help us see the world around us through a different lens. Kunstadt's Interlude and Sacred Poem Series are showcased.

Materials: Hard + Soft

Patterson-Appleton Arts Center
Greater Denton Arts Council
February 4 - May 6, 2017
Denton, TX

Juror Joann Edwards, Executive Director/Founder of the Museum of Craft and Design, San Francisco, CA has selected Sacred Poem LXXXIX for the 30th Annual Materials: Hard + Soft International Contemporary Craft Competition and Exhibition. The exhibition celebrates the evolving field of contemporary craft and the remarkable creativity and innovation of artists who push the boundaries of their chosen media. 
Catalog available

Spirited Lines

Gallery at Lifebridge Sanctuary
October 2016 - February 2017
Rosendale, NY

A comprehensive solo exhibition of Kunstadt's ongoing series - The Sacred Poems and Markings are a vehicle for the exploration of life's vulnerabilities, an expression of gratitude and a platform for sanctity, contemplation and playfulness, beautifully installed in the natural and rustic retreat center. 


Wired Gallery
November 26 - April 2, 2017
High Falls, NY

Curated by Laura Gurton, an artist working with repeating organic cellular shapes. The different objects or shapes that each of the selected artists use, repeats in recurring and regular compositions. Some of the artists use shapes that mimic nature and others use geometric shapes, some combine the geometric with the organic, all creating their own unique rhythm. Exhibiting artists: Sydney Cash, Susan Spencer Crowe, Laura Gurton, Carole P. Kunstadt, Stephen Niccolls, Carol Struve and Vincent Pomilio.

Small Matters of Great Importance: Paper + Art

Edward Hopper House Art Center
November 19, 2016 - January 8, 2017
Nyack, NY

Juror, Michelle Donnelly, Curator Fellow, Sondra Gilman Study Center at the Whitney Museum of American Art, has selected and designated Sacred Poem LVIII, Sacred Poem XLI and Sacred Poem LVIX for the Award for Excellence in the 23rd Annual Small Matters of Great Importance Exhibition, featuring Works on/of Paper. 

Small Works

Founders Gallery
Woodstock Artists Association and Museum
November 26 - December 31, 2016
Woodstock, NY

Juror Karlyn Benson, Owner/Director of Matteawan Gallery, Beacon, NY has chosen Kunstadt's Interlude No. 4 for the Laura Gurton/Alan Greenhalgh Award.

Concerning the Spiritual

Foundry Art Centre
November 18, 2016 - January 6, 2017
Saint Charles, MO

The exhibition explores the wonders we all seek beyond the corporeal and tangible. Jurors Michael Quintero and Bob Langnas have selected Sacred Poem XIII and Sacred Poem XVIII and awarded the works an Honorable Mention

WORD 2016

Hudson Valley Museum of Contemporary Art
February 27 - December 17, 2016
Peekskill, NY

HVMOCA has a history of exhibitions that feature artists from the international community, some with established careers and stellar reputations as well as those just emerging onto the art stage.  ‘WORD’ is HVMOCA’s first open call juried exhibition purposed to highlight talented regional artists who prominently feature ‘a word’ or ‘words’ in their artistic productions. These newer and lesser known works will sit side by side with works of artists such as Beatrice Coron, Dylan Graham (Netherlands), Ann Hamilton (US 1999 Venice Biennale artist), John Mellencamp, Jeffrey Gibson, Job Koelewijn (Netherlands), Laura Kimpton (SLS Miami, Burning Man, California) and Robert Indiana.
Words have appeared historically as artistic forms in illuminated manuscripts, in Arabic text on the walls of mosques and in its mosaic murals, on Chinese calligraphic scrolls.  ‘Word’ as contemporary art form has been popularized by contemporary artists Ruche, Wiener, Kruger and Holzer, Anastasi and others.  Words have the power to hurt and to heal, to be offered as prayer or diatribe. Some of these ‘word’ facets will be explored in the works presented at the HVMOCA.  A selection of Kunstadt's Sacred Poems is featured in WORD 2016. 
Artist’s Pages.

Brand 44 - Annual National Juried Exhibition of Works on Paper

Brand Library and Art Center
September 24 - October 28, 2016
Glendale, CA

Juror Laddie John Dill has selected Kunstadt's Sacred Poem LXVIII for exhibition. Exhibition catalogue includes all 102 works.


Manifest Research Gallery & Drawing Center
May 27 - June 24, 2016
Cincinnati, OH

Kunstadt's Sacred Poem CII and Sacred Poem XCIII are included in Magnitude 7 - showcasing work no larger than seven inches in any dimension. "....having a couple of galleries full of hand-sized works is somehow a relief steeped in the joy of small things well made, a menagerie of creativity, and a poignant reminder that bigger is not always better." 

Between the Covers: Altered Books in Contemporary Art

Everhart Museum of Natural History, Science & Art
February 5 - June 6, 2016
Scranton, PA

For the twenty four artists in Between the Covers: Altered Books in Contemporary Art, found and mass-produced books are their expressive medium of choice. Viewing themselves as collaborators with their source material, they transform them into sculptures and installations of all sizes and shapes. Between the Covers is exclusive to the Everhart Museum, guest curated by Sarah Tanguy, who has selected a grouping from Kunstadt's Sacred Poem Series.
NPR archived interview recording with curatorial asssitant, Nicole Fleck.

Spirits and Shadows

Gallery 66
May 6 - 29, 2016
Cold Spring, NY

"Spirits and Shadows," unifying the works of five stylistically disparate artists, this exhibition's common thread is the universal concept of "Spirit" be it through mood, memory, materials or its connection to the passage of time. A selection of thirty of Kunstadt's Sacred Poems is featured in the Front Gallery paired with the work of Kaya Deckelbaum. 


Manifest Research Gallery & Drawing Center
December 11, 2015 - January 8, 2016
Cincinnati, OH

Sacred Poem LXVII has been selected for this exhibition showcasing work from NEW YORK. In this Regional Showcase, eleven works by 9 artists from New York were selected for exhibition.

Foundry Art Centre
December 11, 2015 - January 22, 2016
Saint Charles, MO

Juror Buzz Spector, artist, writer, curator and Professor of Art, Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts, Washington University, St. Louis has selected Sacred Poem LXXXIV, Sacred Poem LXXXVI, and Sacred Poem LXXXVII. ConTEXT focuses on the intersection of written language and visual arts. 

Curt Teich Postcard Archives Postcard Art Competition & Exhibition (PACE 2015)

Lake County Discovery Museum
January 6 - March 31, 2016
Wauconda, IL

Kunstadt's altered and recombined vinatge photo postcard Paris III is a Merit Award winner. This biennial exhibition, is dedicated to the American Picture Postcard, celebrating the postcard as art and visual document. Additional locations through 2016. 

Gallery Director Invitational

Abecedarian Gallery
November 6 - December 19, 2015
Denver, CO

A selection of works from the Sacred Poem Series will be featured in this invitational exhibition celebrating the artists' book form as one that goes beyond acting as a container for information, as an object that holds more than text and/or images arranged in a set sequence of pages. Several of the artists work with threads and weaving, both materially and conceptually.  

The Divine and Sublime

Drawing Rooms
October 23 - November 22, 2015
Jersey City, NJ

Curated by Anne Trauben, over 30 works from Kunstadt's Sacred Poem and Old Testament Series will be featured in The Divine and Sublime. Fitting for our unique gallery space, a former convent, The Divine and Sublime is an exhibition of works exploring the contemplative, consciousness, nature as a spiritual experience, and the sacred object: employing color, repetition, myth and symbol to evoke meaning. Artists include Buhm Hong, Carole Kunstadt, Cicely Cottingham, Michael Ensminger, Pat Lay, Paula Overbay, Robyn Ellenbogen, and Jill Scipione.

Bound and Unbound III: Altered Book Exhibition

University Libraries at University of South Dakota
August 24, 2015 - January 4, 2016
Vermillion, SD

Sandy Brooke, artist, professor, juror selected Sacred Poem XLIX, to be shown amongst 47 works for this International altered book exhibition. 

Content: Artifact

Abecedarian Gallery
September 17 - October 31, 2015
Denver, CO

Katherine Crowe, Curator of Special Collections and Archives, University of Denver Libraries, Denver, CO, has slelected Kunstadt's folio of altered and recombined antique photogravure postcards, Views of the Moselle/Ansichten der Mosel. Curated by Alicia Bailey and juried by Katherine Crowe, Artifacts bridge the present and the past, creating a tangible connection between us and the artists who have applied the concept of "artifact" to the book in art form. 

Sculptural Wall Pieces

The Gallery - Unison Arts Center
July 5 - September 27, 2015
New Paltz, NY

Curator artists Kaete Brittin Shaw and Annie O'Neill are showcasing work of ten Hudson Valley artists, including Kunstadt's Sacred Poem LXVIII, Sacred Poem LXXI and Sacred Poem LXIII. Sculptural Wall Pieces is a lively tribute to the imaginative use of surface treatments and the textural possibilities of materials—both ordinary and unique.

The Book as Art: 3.0 No Jacket Required

Gallery  - Art Institute of Atlanta-Decatur
July 24 - September 18, 2015
Decatur, GA

The Decatur Arts Alliance in conjunction with the Gallery at The Art Institute of Atlanta-Decatur, is bringing the third edition of the juried exhibition The Book as Art to the AJC Decatur Book Festival. Jurors Margot Ecke, Arlyn Ende and Jeff Rathermel have selected Kunstadt's Sacred Poem XVIII.

Unbound Vol. V

ArtisTree Gallery
July 24 - August 22, 2015
South Pomfret, VT

Juror Peter Madden selected Sacred Poem LXVI, Sacred Poem LXIX and Sacred Poem LXXVII for this fifth annual show of work exploring "the book" as concept, object and format.

Nina Katchadourian: New Sortings

Kleinert/James Center for the Arts, Woodstock Brydcliffe Guild
June 13 - July 19, 2015
Woodstock, NY

Nina Katchadourian: New Sortings will consist of three series from Katchadourian’s ongoing Sorted Books project including a series on-site using the library of Alf Evers (1905-2004), owned by the Woodstock Byrdcliffe Guild. New Sortings will include an interactive series titled Woodstacks, in which area organizations including the Center for Photography at Woodstock as well as local writers and artists including Carole P. Kunstadt, will create individual book stacks from their own collections. These will be constructed using the artist’s Sorted Book process during the course of the exhibition; each individual or group will respond to stacks created before them. 

Reader’s Art: Concealed, Confined and Collected

Minnesota Center for Book Arts 
May 8 - July 26, 2015
Minneapolis, MN

Minnesota Center for Book Arts presents Readers Art: Concealed, Confined and Collected, a juried exhibition exploring artists’ books that use found or custom-made containers to support narrative and content, which will be on view during MCBA’s Book Art Biennial, July 25-26, 2015, and will be used as a visual resource to inform discussion during the event’s symposium. Jurors Jeff Rathermel, Cathy Ryan, and Susan Hensel have selected Sacred Poem LXX. MCBA supports the limitless creative evolution of book arts. 

And The Word Is.......

Gershman Gallery
Gershman Hall at the University of the Arts
January 22 - May 15, 2015
Philadelphia, PA

This exhibition explores the use of religious text in contemporary art, from the straightforward to the ironic. It includes a broad range of media and contemporary conceptual approaches. Kunstadt's Old Testament Series is featured by curator by J. Susan Issacs, PhD.

dispatches from eternity

Theo Ganz Gallery
April 11 - May 3, 2015
Beacon, NY

Hudson Valley artists explore the evocative theme, juxtaposing the sacred and the profane, serenity and chaos, the eternal with the ephemeral, benevolence with atrocity and humor with despair. Kunstadt's Sacred Poem LXXIII and Sacred Poem LXXIX are featured.